Interviewing job candidates can be hard, even if you have a list of questions that you think are sure to reveal their problem-solving abilities. However, the truth is that asking the right questions can make all the difference in the world when it comes to assessing how good someone might be at solving problems on the job. While there are several ways to go about this, here are three of my favorite methods of testing someone’s problem-solving skills in an interview.
The STAR Method
-Situation: Describe the situation that led up to the problem. -Task: What is your task? -Action: What did you do? -Result: What was the result of your action?-Analysis: Why does this happen? How could I have done it better? How can I solve this same kind of problem if it happens again in the future? You should always plan ahead so that you know what needs to be done and what will be needed. In this case, if I were to go back, I would make sure all materials are accessible for quick use before starting on any project or design.
The SOAR Method
1. What is the problem?
2. How do you know there’s a problem?
3. How might someone resolve this issue?
4. What are your thoughts on that solution?
5. What would you do if you were in their position? Would you follow this course of action or not? If not, why not? If yes, what about it appeals to you and how does it address the problem at hand? While problem-solving skills can be difficult to assess during an interview, asking these five questions will help gauge whether they have these skills.
The Problem-Solving Process
1) Define the problem
2) Gather information
3) Identify potential solutions
4) Evaluate possible solutions and choose the best one
5) Implement the solution and then evaluate its effectiveness
6) Take action to improve on your previous solution. Problem-solving is a never-ending process. You can always find ways to improve upon what you’ve done before, even if it was a good decision.
7) Seek feedback from other people 8) Seek feedback from yourself by reflecting on the outcome of your decisions
9) Try out new things and get better at what you do, but don’t stop making mistakes! They’re part of life!
10) The most important thing is that you’re thinking about how you can make things better.
11) It’s okay if you don’t know the answer
12) Learn as much as possible so you have more tools to use when needed
13) If you need help, ask for it.
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